Thursday, July 14, 2011

I own Anchovy Paste?

I wanted to share with y'all this lovely discovery I made today. I have been hankering to eat healthy lately - I feel like I am always saying that, but lately I've really been giving it the ol' college try. Probably a better college try than my university thesis, in fact, though both endeavours have been feeling really futile. I have been devoting so much time to the thesis and library, that my fridge is a bit of a barren wasteland. Sitting today, noshing on almonds, I thought about the contents of my fridge with despair. Greek yogourt, one egg, orange juice, a head of romaine lettuce, a chicken breast...hold up there. I think, somewhere in that mix, was the fixings for a chicken caesar salad. Did you catch it? Hint - I threw in the egg and orange juice as red herrings. "But Sydney," you may (or may not, if you don't really care) protest, "Greek yogourt does not equal caesar salad dressing." No reader, no it does not. But I thought "maybe it could!" and Reader - it could.

So I did some blog exploration on the subject and discovered a reference to a Jamie Oliver spin on caesar salad dressing that utilized Greek yogourt rather than egg yolk and oil (no - there is no cream in caesar salad dressing, in fact). It required a trip to the grocery store on my way home to grab Worcestershire sauce, garlic and, yeah, anchovy paste. But man, whip that stuff together with some lemon juice, salt, pepper and parmesan, and it is delicious!

I don't have pictures - I nommed that down far too quickly. But I wanted to introduce that to your worlds. You are welcome.

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