Friday, December 10, 2010

Yes. I am that smell.

I am, miraculously, sitting in the airport.

I woke up to K, calling me from outside my house. She only offered to give me a ride yesterday. Had she not, I would be asleep or cursing myself.

Yesterday I finished a marathon of marking - a seriously impressive feat, I may add, marking 146 exams in 2 days - and went to Ye Olde Orchard to have dinner and a beer with my fellow TAs, Claire and Kristin. I also invited the students from my conference, and three actually came.

Long story short, I was doing tequila shots at 2:00 am that were bought for my students and I (everyone else had left about an hour or so earlier), packing at 4:00, waking up an hour before I had to be at the airport.

My mother called me yesterday to assure that I would not "look sloppy" when I got off the plane - we are touring my dad's new business acquisition straight from the airport. I took much offence from this phone call.

And here I sit. Greasy. Hungry. A touch dehydrated.

And She Ra has peed all over herself.

Sorry fellow airport patrons.

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