Wednesday, April 20, 2011

30 Thoughts on 30 Days - plus, some serious bad karma

I was brainstorming for a catchy title of this one-day delayed post while I was in savasana this morning (I know, I know - not the point of savasana...) and came up with this. Which, I realized afterwards, meant I would have to record 30 yoga-related thoughts. So here they are, in varying relevance and depth, 30 thoughts which either occurred to me during one of my many (35, in fact) yoga classes over the past 30 days, or cultivated off the mat.

1. How the hell am I going to get to yoga every single day?
2. 7:00am classes really do require a 5:50 am wake up
3. My balance is truly awful
4. I sweat lots. Lots and lots and lots. More than everyone around me, and even more as I practice more regular yoga
5. I sure hope this increased efficiency in my sweat glands doesn't apply to my non-yoga life...
6. I don't know how to not scrunch up my shoulders in Crescent moon pose.
7. Must. Drink. More. Water
8. I love Wednesday morning classes with Caro - she is far and away my favourite teacher
9. It scares me to think about how my body would function without yoga - even with it, I have ludicrously tight hamstrings and an occasionally achy back.
10. My tummy does not look nice in seated forward bends...
11. I really am going to have to do laundry twice a week now.
12. I can't handle the crowded classes where I can't open my arms when I swan dive into a forward fold
13. Did the Moksha series at home. Barely sweated. The hot room makes a huge difference
14. I wish my hair was long enough to get into a top bun instead of these ridiculous pig tails
15. I want more yoga clothing.
16. Starting my day with yoga just puts my mind at peace - I've accomplished something, I've prepared my body for movement, and I have spent 75 minutes focusing on myself.
17. I hope one day I will be able to clothes my eyes in Tree pose
18. My friend Heather can do the most beautiful Dancer's pose
19. My leg hair is fascinating - haven't waxed since about a month before the challenge and I've become oddly attached.
20. I wonder how most men get into yoga...
21. How can anyone leave the studio after class without showering???
22. I really want more yoga clothing.
23. I am really getting much more flexible in the backs of my legs and my low back
24. I love love love Reclining Hero's pose.
25. I find it impossible to not stare at the person next to me when we do a supine spinal twist - I think that may be one of the most beautiful positions.
26. Yoga has a mixed effect on my body image. My own body gets stronger, and regardless of whether it changes shape, I take pride in its increasing ability. At the same time, I find it impossible to not compare myself to other women in class, who are sometimes just impossibly beautiful.
27. I still have not managed to figure out the perfect amount to eat before my morning class. I always have to burp before going into Dancer's pose.
28. I love it when the instructor will actually touch me and adjust me.
29. I finally touched my toes in Paschimottanasana!
30. I made it! And I'm going to keep going...

Quite across the board, I know. On a rather disheartening karmic note, the Moksha studio was robbed last night. Who breaks into and steals from a yoga studio?? They are taking it in stride, but their computer (and who knows what else) was stolen. Pretty deplorable.

It is a dreary day out, complete with freezing rain, so I am opting to work at home, doing some laundry and tiding up for Brielan and Yule who are coming over tonight to watch a movie and nosh on some psychedelic baked goods. Happy April 20th, one and all.

1 comment:

  1. so, so, so proud of you. You are a yoga goddess. Slash life goddess altogether.

    And agreed, Heather's dance pose still blows my mind.
