Sunday, November 21, 2010

So This is What 6 am on a Sunday Looks Like?

I have officially cued the start of my healthier living.

After having a ludicrously late night and making some rather alcohol fuelled choices last Sunday, resulting in the mother of all 2-day hangovers and an exodus to find my purse - which I left at the house of someone I didn't know, and didn't remember the location of, with my phone in it, leaving me unable to contact anyone who could direct me to its location - I have vowed to start taking myself just a tad bit more serious.

First step - not more belgian waffles.

the "grocery" store near my house, which in no real sense is a grocery store, but a glorified drugstore with a dairy and chintzy produce section (it will be the reason I get scurvy, mark my words), carries, in addition to dairy and wilting asparagus, packaged belgian waffles, coated in sugar, which, it turns out, are ideal for popping into the toaster, coating in Light Butter (yeah, who knew you could make, by definition, fat, lighter?) and easing myself into obesity with. Hence step one.

Also, Cristyn and I have started taking our fitness seriously. We have gotten to the gym the last 2 days in a row as well as yoga. Thank God. I, again, fell off the wagon with yoga. Yoga is crucial step two. Not only because it will keep me sane as well as active, but because I discovered that, though I don't plan on being in Montreal for another whole month, it is 100$ more to buy a 20 class pass than just a Month Unlimited. So, I haven't done the math yet, but I think it would just be best if I tried to go every day from now until I leave for Calgary.

Next step - time to start educating myself a bit more seriously. I am actually actually going to start going and working in a coffee shop. I've been really bad about talking myself out of working away from home. If it's the library, I tell myself "if you're going to read, you may as well read where you can be comfortable, and you don't want to have to walk home after it's dark and gets significantly more freezing out;" when it comes to working in a coffee shop, "really, you're going to end up spending money that doesn't need to be spent on goods you don't need to be putting in your body." And then I end up asleep in my bed with waffle crumbs on my sheets.

So I am going to the 8 am Moksha class with Cristyn shortly. I am supposed to then go to the Otto Dix exhibit with Claire. However, her texts last night had some superfluous letters, explained that I should "call tho cuz i am fuckev" and debated the pros and cons of doing coke. Debated may be too lofty a word: "yay ir nay?" At least I am making an attempt at being cultured. If all else fails, Cristyn and I will be meeting up again to watch rugby this afternoon. And then the library.

Gosh, this new Sydney is going to be so learned and fit.

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