Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Counting the Hours

I have become scary anal retentive this week friends. I leave for Belize on Friday night. I cannot wait. That said, I have become dangerously focused on all of the things I need to get done between now and then.

I think it all started with a truly alarming dream I had. I was lying on my yoga mat in savasana, when the person behind me stretched their arms up and started touching my shoulders with their green manicured fingers. In alarm, my dream self turned to see my German friend Madeleine - who, by the way, does not wear skirts and is physically incapable of walking in heels, let alone apt to paint her nails - who commented on how hairy I was (which is something much more along the lines of the Madeleine I know and love): "How could you go on vacation like dis?" And, alarmed, I looked down and my under arms and legs were forests of hair and I realized "I went on vacation without getting waxed!" I know that right about now, my diligent reader, you are rolling your eyes at my nightmare. But it was bizarre, because then, seated on my yoga mat I tried to think "how could I have missed my appointment before leaving?" and the dreaming became somewhat lucid, as I realized I couldn't have. Boom, woke up. Or so I thought. And the parts of the dream that had convinced me I must have been dreaming, not remembering my flight, for instance, I was suddenly doing. But I hadn't waxed! I went through about 4 of these dreams within dreams where I futilely tried to get my bod waxed in time for the beach. I think Christopher Nolan was going to do that, but Inception went in another direction, so as to better utilize a suddenly hot Joseph Gordon-Levit.
More of my dreams are Joseph Gordon-Levit sans Inception, not the reverse
So, I don't know if it is out of a legitimate fear that I could possibly forget my appointment to have all tropic-inappropriate hair removed or not, but I have governed every minute of my week. I have never been quite this obsessive in so many different facets of my life. I am taking care of household business (read: eating all the perishables in my fridge), getting ahead on my work, yoga daily, prepping my base tan, eating well, fulfilling TA responsibilities. Before bed every night I have been redrawing a To Do list for my week, and mapping out my hour-to-hour plan for the next day.

Do I need help?

Nope, because I'm going to Belize.

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