Well, psyche.
No, no - the only person who I wake up with in my arms is She Ra, who, as others (most alarmed, my mother) are constantly reminding me, is not a person.
My Valentine |
But now I like the mental strength I gather from yoga. I am not going to bore you with it, because if you are almost anyone I know, I have heard you refer to this as the "touchy feely" or "artsy fartsy" bullshit of yoga, and I am a person who is much more comfortable preaching to the converted.
So, my new love? It pairs itself quite ironically with my constant, live-in love: Cat-pulling-its-tail pose.
Don't google it - only one, kind a sketchy looking website features it (what - does any stereotype you have for self-proclaimed yogis pair with computer-tech savvy? I don't think so). I have found the only photos the internet can profer.

Should you want to try out this saucy posture (it's ok, I'm very liberal minded - I will totally share my new love with you), take note I'm not yoga teacher. One website suggested that those with intense lower back pain might not try this.
Start reclining on your mat, propped up on your forearms. My instructor stressed that, no matter how much
you wiggle around your appendages from this point, you want to keep your core straight - hips and shoulders in line. Lift one leg straight into the air, shifting the opposite hip under you, and plopping the leg straight across your body, as high up as you can. My dream is to be able to grab my toes in my opposite hand - nothing has made me more scornful of my tight hammies. you then take your bottom leg, and scoop it up in the hand which makes rational sense (that is, the same hand as your straightened leg). You can keep your head propped up in your other hand, you extend it, trying to get a twist by flattening your shoulders on the ground. Now hold forever.
I think I like it because, glancing down at my torso (to ensure I'm neither leaning forward now back), my pear shaped physique is inverted by my squared shoulders and twisted hips. It is like an extreme version of how well practised party girls always pose for pictures. You know what I'm talking about.
I will not be spending my Valentines day in this pose though (I imagine). My friends Yule and Brielan and I are going to dress up a bit and go to Juliette&Chocolat - a truly dangerous restaurant around the corner from my apartment which strives for the most perfect variety of chocolate in its various form / my impending obesity.
I will, however, be sending lots of love out to all my friends, single or not.
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