Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Au Revoir et Bonne Nuit, Montreal

Tonight I am tucked back into bed in the room I grew up in. The baby blue with pastel splatter paint was painted over years ago, a warm chocolate brown, but the denim curtains and bed spread still remind me of a time when blackout denim curtains were ideal for sleeping until 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon. There is a lava lamp on my desk.

I am uneasy about being back here. Almost started crying in the car ride home from the airport. But I am taking the opportunity for a little reinvention. Or more of a restart. I need to get back into yoga and exercising, which ceased entirely in my last couple weeks in Montreal. Furthermore, I am going to overhaul this room, which is full of white, 25-year-old furniture, almost all of which is scarred with mostly and poorly removed X-Men and Spice Girls stickers. A closet purge, a diet, and job hunting all lie in my future. I need to keep looking on the bright side of Calgary. Here are the things I'm actually looking forward to:

not being treated like shit by serving staff
no PST
Frilly Lily, the best waxing salon in the world
not being the biggest/plainest girl in a room
free laundry
not being scared of speaking English
spending time with my friend Kirstin
being reunited with SheRa! (this weekend!)

I will indulge my nostalgia soon enough with a list of my Montreal favourites. Sleep tight Montreal. I miss you already.

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