Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chilly California Toes

This will not be a post full of beautiful, braggarty photos from Belize. I am waiting to compile a master compilation album, and am waiting on my mum's photos. It will come though. And you will feel jealous.

This trip was lovely, once I finally got there. I didn't get my bag until 3 days before I left, but the joy of travelling in a laid back town which only within the last 3 years paved it's 3 roads, is that you don't need much.

I am finding myself very reluctant to return to reality. I have grown very jealous of my parent's lifestyle of near-retirement, in my dad's case, and stay-at-home motherhood sans children, in my mum's. They have responsibilities, certainly, and they manage to keep themselves really busy. But they also spend months on end in California, broken up with jaunts to Belize and Peru. And the idea of returning to the cold of Montreal where I will be camping out in the library until I finish my thesis (I'm feeling so behind! I'm delaying the panic attack for the flight from Denver to Montreal...), where it is still frigidly cold, where I need to wear makeup and do my hair and exercise if I want to be seen in public, where I have to wake up and live as dictated to by multiple alarms in my cell phone, and where I don't have random strangers blessing me and telling me how good I look on the street. Ugh.

California is a good transition though. It is much colder than Belize - a cloudy 20 degrees - I need to mark all the papers that I swore I was going to do while in Belize (what was I thinking?), I am transitioning rather enthusiastically into boho-chic California beachwear, my phone, which the hotel I left it at kindly mailed here, woke me up this morning, and only women in their 50s have told me I'm pretty since I got here. So, I am being brought back down to reality. Kind of...

Today will be a mix of trying to catch some rays while also marking 19 papers. Yesterday was shopping. Details to come soon.

I missed you, internet friends.

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