Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Years Resolutions Realized by March...

I went for my first outdoor run of 2011 yesterday!

It lasted 10 minutes.

Should that not be shameful enough, I confess I wasn't even running the whole 10 minutes. Probably only 7, maybe 8. Oh dear...

Anyhow, I was thinking "gotta hop and the blog and brag about this feat!" when I remembered "oh yeah...that was a New Years resolution...I was going to track how I did with"

So, with comic "er..." in mind, let's revisit those resolutions of months past...

1. Make Yoga a Priority. I haven't been terrible on this front, but the last month of travel, and now some lingering rugby/bar injuries have kept me away. I still have been going through periodic bursts. Gotta work it reasonably into my schedule I guess...
2. You will be a Runner. I ran for an additional 2 minutes this morning from yesterday's run, and I think I can probably stick to this one. And, after being hit on "by the wrong roommate" my brother is also somewhat resolved to get back in shape. So hopefully I will have a running partner soon.
3. Exercise Some Will Power. Um. Well desert is still pretty constant in my life BUT desert has taken the form of Liberte Citron yogourt, individual size bags of Kettle Corn, and Light Hot Chocolate (brilliant suggestion from Yule).  
4. Love Thy Skin. Again, my vanity has kept this resolution in check. And with the sunshine out full force lately, it has been relatively easy to remember that crucial sunscreen. That said, I did visit a dreaded tanning salon to prep for Belize (whole lot of good that did me...).
5. Regimen, regimen, regimen. I may have gone overboard on this one actually. When I'm not vacationing or hosting my lovely friends, I have pretty much every hour of my day accounted for. Before bed each night I write out a to do list and schedule. That said, last night's list says I should be at the library right now, not updating my blog in my thai fisherman pants while doing laundry. So, again, 50/50 here
6. TLC for my BFFs. So, no, I have not spent an hour on Sundays catching up with people. That said, I have engaged in actual correspondances, as in, not virtual/digital. Impressive, right? My darling Melina and I have engaged a couple of letters, and I have been truly negligent in responding to the lovely Aly (because I cannot find post cards as adorable as hers!) but I think I have been pretty good on this front as of late.
7. Finish Your Thesis. yeah...

Ok, so things aren't looking to dour. Added to these resolutions were: read more magazines; grow out your hair; no alcohol until you finish a draft of your thesis. All of those have gone marvelously.

Maybe, just maybe, I will be a grown up soon.

But as Tommy Whelan knows, I withhold that distinctions for individuals who can neatly and quickly chop vegetables and crack an egg with one hand.

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